The BCA Program has 3 course options and is comprised of 15 units or individual subjects.

Why study with us?

Want the best? Our consortium-based approach allows you to learn from the leaders in their field for each of the subjects.

  • You will have access to the top biostatistical experts from around Australia. Our courses are taught by experts in the field based across the participating universities. Participating in their classes is a perfect opportunity to learn from the best and to build successful networks for your future career in the field.
  • You can chose the BCA university of enrolment (your home university) from among the four collaborating universities.
  • You will be able to build extensive professional networks among your course peers.
  • You can chose from three levels of the program – Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters. (Check enrolment options with the university of your choice.)
  • The program can be completed 100% online with a great degree of flexibility to help you manage personal and professional commitments with your study demands. (Some universities may offer Epidemiology unit which includes an on-campus component.)
  • You can chose from a large number of elective units to pursue the areas of biostatistics which interest you most (depending on the number of waivers or credits awarded).
  • The program is fully accredited by Statistical Society of Australia. Students who graduate from the program with a Masters or Graduate Diploma will, on joining the Statistical Society of Australia, be automatically entitled to accreditation as a Graduate Statistician.

The BCA acknowledges we live and work on the ancestral lands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who have for thousands of generations exchanged knowledge for the benefit of all. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.